Through the Windowpane

“For now we see in a mirror, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part;
but then shall I know fully even as also I was fully known.”
1 Corinthians 13:12

Answered Prayer

Photo: "I love my bedroom," Grandpa said. While he was in the nursing home, he prayed that he would have a room someday all by himself where he could write. And he asked for a room with a view, too. His bedroom has windows on three sides facing north, south, and east. So, technically this move is all a result of Grandpa's prayers - not to mention mine. Sometimes we have to wait a long time, but God is faithful!

“I love my bedroom,” Grandpa said. While he was in the nursing home, he prayed that he would have a room someday all by himself where he could write. And he asked for a room with a view, too. His bedroom has windows on three sides facing north, south, and east. So, technically this move is all a result of Grandpa’s prayers – not to mention mine. Sometimes we have to wait a long time, but God is faithful!

A Room with a View

“I love my bedroom,” Grandpa said.

While he was in the nursing home, he prayed that he would have a room someday all by himself where he could write. And he asked for a room with a view, too. His bedroom has windows on three sides facing north, east, and south. So, technically this move is all a result of Grandpa’s prayers – not to mention mine. Sometimes we have to wait a long time for our prayers to be answered, but God is faithful – and always right on time!

A View of God’s Faithfulness

311255_2358007679793_373078058_n“I love my bedroom,” Grandpa said.

While he was in the nursing home, he prayed that he would have a room someday all by himself where he could write. And he asked for a room with a view, too. His bedroom has windows on three sides facing north, south, and east. So, technically this move is all a result of Grandpa’s prayers – not to mention mine. Sometimes we have to wait a long time, but God is faithful!

Mommy Thermometer

Today when I walked in Grandpa’s house today it was pretty warm. The air conditioning off. We’ve been turning it off at night lately because Grandpa gets so cold. But Eric had  dressed him in a flannel shirt which we often do because he’s sitting around an air conditioned house all day. Eric was totally oblivious to the fact that it was 80 degrees in the house. Grandpa was real sleepy. I wonder why? I changed him into a short sleeve shirt and he was a lot more comfortable. There’s something in the air, though. I’m really sleepy, too . Have been all day.



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